Trip of Princes X: Los Angeles


For the last time for the Trip of Princes. I didn't think that I'd write the final newsletter, but a webpage is a lot of work....the last week or so of our trip were excellent. Riding into Los Angeles was a piece of cake. We stayed with old friends, whose son Mike had been riding along for 3 days on my first bike trip. The Wells family is so nice. This time, we even got a van to use. The Kinders loved it to be driven throughout L A, while the traffic started to get on my nerves. It was very helpful though, for example to visit with my friend Orland. He's well known in American Waldorf circles and elsewhere as a "bridge builder" - facilitating conflicts.

This was the third time that I could meet Orland with a group and it's getting better every time. He lives with his parents in Watts, as famous for gang activities as South Central - and he's working with former gang members. This time, Orland led a ceremony for Helga's friend, our corier, who'd been murdered a couple weeks ago. Everybody was very touched by Orland's humble and friendly manner.

Another friend, mentioned before, made it down to L A in time. Dean's girl-friend Laura is living here. Dean is an old rock climber and surfer and had a board in L A. David used it as well and was happy to do it again before returning to Germany. We also got invited to a 'beer tasting party'. Everybody was supposed to bring some beer. You had to taste different brands, describe and judge them. The top 3 of each person were compared and prices for those who got closest to the overall taste got prices - and Ude got the 2nd price.

on our way to the 'beer tasting party'

Guido, Trabi, Carsten and Anneken left early though. They had rented a car - Guido is 20 - for better shopping access and didn't want to let it sit unused for too long. They spent quite some time crusing and shopping.

probably not to be continued soon...

Trabi fixing his vandalized tube

Guido - with 'injured' shoulder

ride to the airport

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